Tag Archives: weight loss

Online Nutrition Coaching with Fitness4London

If any of the following applies to you, I recommend you sign up for 2 weeks online nutrition coaching: “I feel constantly tired and low in energy.” “I get food cravings, particularly for sugary snacks and junk food.” “I’m struggling to lose weight. Nothing I try seems to shift that stubborn fat.” “I suffer from […]

Seaweed – King of the Superfoods

Most people turn their noses up at the prospect of eating seaweed, but when they try it, their opinion changes fast. That was my experience when I tried three different kinds of seaweed flakes, harvested from the sea off Scotland by the Edinburgh-based company Mara Seaweed, who then process it into flakes (and powders) in […]

How to Avoid Home Cooking Accidents

You’ll achieve your health & fitness goals far quicker if you cook your own healthy food at home, rather than ordering takeaways or buying ready-meals. As a personal trainer, I’m keen to get my clients cooking for themselves. However, if you’re new to cooking meals from scratch, beware these top accident blackspots: Cuts Cutting yourself […]

Your Action Plan for a Healthier Life

I’ve been a personal trainer in London for over twenty years now, and my clients have got fitter, stronger, more toned, and more full of vitality as a result of following these tips: Set some goals The brain loves a specific goal to pursue, so set some health & fitness goals to get stuck into. […]

What is Your Level of Ambition?

I’ve been a personal trainer in London for twenty years, and most clients who come to me say they are determined to lose weight, improve their eating and lifestyle, get stronger and fitter. However, in some cases this determination is short-lived. Why? What is the difference between those clients who reach their goals and those […]

Episode 2: Horizon Special: What’s The Right Diet For You?

If you’ve not already read my blog post about episode 1, please read it first. As we saw in episode 1, the three groups of overweight volunteers were given different diets according to what makes them overeat, “instead of reaching for the latest fad diet,” said Professor Tanya Byron. As a personal trainer in London […]

Quick checklist to boost your weight-loss efforts

Here’s a quick checklist, in random order, to help you towards your goal weight. Some of these you’re probably doing already, but everyone will find at least one thing on the list that you can add to your regime. As ever, I’m keen to hear your comments. Tell me which items work for you, which […]