Tag Archives: walking in London

Cremorne Bridge for Pedestrians and Cyclists

I’ve been a personal trainer in London for over 20 years, and in that time, London has become a lot more pedestrian and cycle-friendly. However, London can still do a whole lot better to promote active travel. One major improvement would be more pedestrian/cycle bridges across the River Thames. Back in 2013, over a decade […]

London Sport

Have you heard of this great organisation, London Sport? Its target audience is inactive Londoners and young Londoners, and its aim is to encourage them to get more active and develop healthy habits for life. The new CEO of London Sport is Emily Robinson, appointed to take over from Tove Okunniwa in February 2022. Emily […]

A Personal Trainer’s Proposals for the Silvertown Tunnel

As a personal trainer in London, I think the proposed Silvertown Tunnel will be a disaster for Londoners’ health & fitness. It is a huge missed opportunity to create a tunnel that could have promoted walking and cycling and greener buses. Pedestrians and cyclists will be banned from using the tunnel, and car-use will increase […]