Category Archives: London

London Personal Trainer Backs Sadiq Khan for London Mayor 2016

As a personal trainer in London, I’m keen to see a London Mayor who makes the health and fitness of everyone in London a priority. On balance, I think Sadiq Khan is the best candidate for a healthier London. Here are the main candidates’ policies on health & fitness. Sadiq Khan (the Labour Candidate) Sadiq […]

The Most Pedestrian-Friendly Cities in the World

One of the most accessible forms of exercise is walking, and as a personal trainer with clients in London, I would love our city to be more pedestrian-friendly. However, the three main barriers are in my opinion the ludicrously high levels of air pollution, the sheer number of motor vehicles, and the pedestrian-hostile transport infrastructure […]

New Thames Bridge in London to Link Pimlico and Nine Elms

South West London is set to get a new bridge across the Thames, dedicated to cyclists and pedestrians. It will link Pimlico on the north side of the Thames with Nine Elms on the south bank. London needs several more cycle/pedestrian bridges across the Thames, particularly in East London, but at least this is a […]

How to Make London More Pedestrian Friendly

As a personal trainer in London I’m often asked by my clients: “what exercise should I do between our sessions to help me lose weight?”. Part of my reply is always: “Walk more.” Walking is one of the easiest exercise activities. No equipment needed apart from a good pair of trainers, no barriers of technique […]

Sports and Exercise in London’s Royal Parks

London is all the richer for its Royal Parks, with all the sports and fitness options they provide. Personal trainers in London beware: you can’t train your clients in any of the Royal Parks without a Royal Parks Licence, for which you must pay an annual fee. Regents Park With its new sports pavilion, The […]

Boat Race 2014

Oxford achieved a decisive victory in the 2014 Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race, with an 11 length lead. The Boat Race, held in London, is always a big event in the British sporting calendar, and this one was particularly eventful. At the 5 minute point, Cambridge clashed oars with Oxford, and nearly lost an oar. […]

Air Pollution in London

London is a challenging city in which to be fit and healthy. Not least of these challenges is London’s appalling air quality. As a personal trainer who travels round London to train my clients, I experience it every day. In 2012, local environmental groups in east London took the initiative and set up 32 roadside […]