If you’re into running in London, this blog post is for you. I’m a personal trainer in London, and often include 3k runs and 5k runs in my clients’ sessions. Running is a great way to get fit, but don’t rely on it exclusively for your fitness, make it part of a wider fitness regime. More about this below.
RunABC South: Free running guide
On my way back from my gym (the fantastic Fitness First Bishopsgate, one of their flagship branches), there was a guy from London’s largest independent running store Run-Fast (also known as The Running Works) standing outside Liverpool Street station handing out promotional packs, which included the latest edition of RunABC South. For more info about them see runabc.co.uk. If you’re a running fanatic, check out their website and see if you can get onto a mailing list for this free guide.
Royal Parks Half Marathon
The next Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon is on Sunday 11 October, a big event in the London running calendar. Lots of money is raised for charity in this event, and charities include the Multiple Sclerosis Society, WaterAid, Save the Children, the Alzheimer’s Society, and others.
Although the Public Ballot is now closed, there are still charity places available, so it’s not too late to take part.
There will be a Fitness & Food Festival in Hyde Park for spectators to enjoy, near the start/finish line.
Because of construction of Crossrail and also the new Cycle Superhighway, the 31.1 mile route for 2015 has been dramatically changed, but it will still include Hyde Park, Green Park, St James’s Park, and Kensington Gardens.
Sponsors this year include Fitness First, Event Partners include Runners Need (the popular retail store for runners with over 30 branches across the UK), and Media Partners include Men’s Fitness and Women’s Fitness magazines.
Running Insoles
To cushion your running and help reduce the risk of injury, you might consider running insoles. The running retailer Sporting Feet fits and sells them at their branches in Richmond (King Street, TW9 1ND)) and Putney (Lacy Road, London SW15 1NH).
Thames Path Challenge
On 12-13 September it’s the 2015 Thames Path Challenge, run by actionchallenge. You can run, jog, or walk any of three courses for charity: 100km, 50km, and 25km. Most walk it, but some ultra-runners enter and run these distances. For more info ring 020 7609 6695.
Thames Bridges Challenge
Also on Saturday 12 September it’s the actionchallenge Thames Bridges challenge, a 20km walk across 16 of London’s most iconic bridges starting at Putney Bridge and finishing at Tower Bridge. It’s a great idea to have more events dedicated to walking, as this opens up the event to everyone who prefers walking over running.
Roga is a great combination of running with yoga stretches along the route. For more about this check out the veggierunners.com blog written by Bibi and Jayne Rodgers. Jayne and her daughter Bibi won Best Blog at The Running Awards 2014, and their blog continues to grow in popularity.
Dominic Londesborough is a personal trainer in London and author of the Fitness4London.com blog.