Free listing: 25 words (but no photo or link to coach’s website)
Paid listing £50.00 for 12 months: 100 words, large photo, and link to coach’s website. Listing can be amended during the 12 months at no extra charge.
Email -
Telephone - 07900 188194
Areas - Central London, City of London, East London, North London, North West London, South East London, South West London, West London
Squash coach at Charing Cross Sports Club, Aspenlea Road, Hammersmith, London W6 8LH. Club has 4 fully sprung squash courts. Ben is ranked 27 in England.
Telephone - 07946 557502
Areas - West London
Founder of EliteSquash and squash coach at The Lansdowne Club, 9 Fitzmaurice Place, Mayfair, London W1J 5JD. Private members’ club with 3 international squash courts.
Telephone - 020 7629 7200
Areas - West London